Adanced Fitting ===================================== This section describes how to use advanced features of ``fitterpp``. The section assumes that you have read the basic tutorial. Specifically, you should be familiar with the following the ``calcParabola`` function we used as an example of fitting .. code-block:: python def calcParabola(center=None, mult=None, xvalues=XVALUES): estimates = np.array([mult*(n - center)**2 + for n in xvalues]) return pd.DataFrame({"x": xvalues, "y": estimates}) and the following script that fits the observational data ``data_df`` to the parameters ``center`` and ``mult`` in ``calcParabola``. .. code-block:: python # Import the required libraries import lmfit import fitterpp as fpp # Construct the parameter objects parameters = lmfit.Parameters() parameters.add("center", value=0, min=0, max=100) parameters.add("mult", value=0, min=0, max=100) # Run the fitting algorithm fitter = fpp.Fitterpp(calcParabola, parameters, data_df) fitter.execute() # Display the fittted values print(fitter.final_params.valuesdict()) A first consideration in more advanced fitting is to have more control over the way in which ``fitterpp`` searches for parameter values. This is accompished by making use of an optional keyword parameter in the constructor, ``fpp.Fitterpp``. You can specify any algorithm that is used by ``lmfit.minmize``. To simplify common usage, ``fitterpp`` provides global constants for the "leastsq" and "differential_evolution" algorithms. .. code-block:: python # Spsecify the methods used for fitting methods = fpp.Fitterpp.mkFitterMethod( method_names=fpp.METHOD_DIFFERENTIAL_EVOLUTION, method_kwargs={fpp.MAX_NFEV: 1000}) fitter = fpp.Fitterpp(calcParabola, parameters, data_df, methods=methods) A second consideration in more advanced fitting is the tradeoff between the followin: * quality of the fit and * runtime of the fitting codes. Runtime of the fitting codes is typically measured in seconds. We quantify the quality of the fit by the sum of squares of the residuals or **RSSQ**. If there is a perfect match between the observational data and the estimates produced by fitted parameters, then RSSQ is 0. Larger values of RSSQ indicate a fit that with lower quality. Many times a fitting problem involves trade-offs between quality and runtime. You can get a basic understanding of the quality of the fit from the fitter report. Building on the example in the basic tutorial, As before, we are fitting the parameters of ``calcParabola``. To use this feature, first perform a fit and then use .. code-block:: python print( This produces the output below: .. code-block:: python [[Variables]] mult: 2.0102880244080366 center: 10.000857728276536 [[Fit Statistics]] # fitting method = differential_evolution # function evals = 921 # data points = 20 # variables = 2 chi-square = 2.54104032 reduced chi-square = 0.14116891 Akaike info crit = -37.2631740 Bayesian info crit = -35.2717095 Of most interest here is the number of function evalutions--921. This provides some insight into the extent of the search for fitting values. The quality plot indicates how RSSQ changes across iterations. Sometimes, a large fraction of iterations do not result in reductions in RSSQ. To generate the quality plot use: .. code-block:: python fitter.plotQuality() which produces the plot .. image:: images/quality_plot.png :width: 800 Note that the y-axis of the plot is scaled to show RSSQ values within ten times the minimal RSSQ. From this plot, we observe that (a) differential evolution rquires about 800 iterations before RSSQ is reduced substantially; and (b) gradient descent ("leastsq") provides little reduction in RSSQ. Finally, the performance plot provides insight into the causes of long runtimes. To generate the performance plot use: .. code-block:: python fitter.plotPerformance() which produces the plot below. .. image:: images/performance_plot.png :width: 1200 From this we conclude that the time required to fit the parameters is large due to the large number of iterations of differential evolution.